Saturday, October 8, 2011

The First Post!


I'm just getting used to things around here. Don't judge me based off of this post. Or any that follow afterwards. I am not an English major, nor do I have deep philosophical thoughts on a daily base. I don't care if anyone reads this. I just want to put my thoughts on paper/keyboard.

Since I do what I want, I'm going to talk about myself.

I was born on May 20th, 1992. I lived in Parma, Ohio (largest suburb of Cleveland) for my first 18 years, during which time I attended Holy Family School from Preschool until 8th grade, and then St. Ignatius High School from 9th until 12th. Now I am in my second year at Ohio State University (therefore, I live in Columbus, Ohio now), studying Accounting.

I love my family. My parents are traditional but still progressive. My mother Christine is one of the greatest moms I know; that is not an embellishment. She would do anything for her children. My father Patrick is a hardworking lawyer. I have learned many strong values from him and I look up to him and what he has done with his life. I have three younger siblings: Grace (who also has a blog??), Connor, and Mary. I could not get through my life without the three of them. They bring out the best in me and challenge me to be the best person I can be.

I love my friends as well. Yet, this is where many of my troubles in life lie. Drama. Duh.
I am one of those people who have a great number of friends, but I never really had one of those friends I did EVERYTHING with. I see people like that and it makes me jealous. Having many friends allows me to be connected, and it continually increases my friend base exponentially. I have met a great deal of people through my initial friends. Although it took some work coming out of my shy shell, I am growing very confident in my people skills.

Yes, I am a man. Most men don't write like I do. Before you go assuming things, let me clarify: yes, I am gay. My life has changed radically because of it. I have experienced some of the best times and some of the worst times of my life because of my sexuality. I am open about it, and most people respect me. I am still learning a lot about myself and I am hoping that this outlet will help me understand more.

I could go on and on, writing my whole life story. Hmm... that sounds like a good idea... but for another time. Until then, have a wonderful day! Bye bye

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